Community Schools

6 Key Practices
Community Schools
Leadership Team
The Community Schools Leadership Team (CSLT) was combined in September 2022.
The CSLT meets every two weeks on a Mondays from 3:30-4:30 pm during the school year.
The CSLT is compromised of school leadership, staff, parents, and community members. All are welcome.
Needs Assessment
Community School Survey: This survey aimed to gather insights from families, staff, and students about their experiences and perspectives regarding community school initiatives. The goal was to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth.
Key Findings:
53% of families expressed a need for more out-of-school tutoring and clubs/programs for their student/s.
52% of families highlighted the importance and need for family engagement nights.
91% of teachers/staff believe students need parental or family involvement to be successful.
74% of teachers/staff expressed a need for health/wellness programs for them as educators
57% of teachers/staff believe social/relational should be a focus area to prioritize to best serve our students.
70% of students expressed field trips as a school activity they want
52% expressed a need for family engagement nights
52% of students expressed a need for sports and other physical activities such as basketball, soccer, yoga, bike riding, etc.
Conclusion: The survey results highlight a strong commitment from families, staff, and students to strengthen the community school model. By addressing the identified areas for improvement, the school can enhance collaboration and create a more inclusive environment for all stakeholders.
The Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) Adelante Program strengthens opportunities for the academic achievement and life success of Santa Fe children and youth who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
Please call (505) 467-2524 for assistance in English and (505) 467-2555 para asistencia en espanol.
Or, fill out a brief form online and an Adelante team member will contact you. Adelante Website
The Food Depot
Resource Navigation:
"The Navigation Program at The Food Depot helps community members find support and services. Examples of resource connections include: food resources; diaper program; SNAP enrollment; rent and utility assistance; education assistance; job search and placement; behavior and mental health; and substance use disorders"
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Santa Fe Connect
Need Food, Housing or Transportation? CONNECT navigators can help you find services and resources in the community.
Call 211
New Mexico Workforce Connection
"Online portal to virtual job matching services, employment resources, the Unemployment Insurance Tax & Claims System, and much m ore"
Santa Fe Public Library
Santa Fe Public Library offers an array of resources and community events!
Southside Branch
6599 Jaguar Drive
(505) 955-2820
The Sky Center